21th day

«I never tire of repeating those words of Benedict XVI which take us to the very heart of the Gospel: “Being a Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction”.»

-Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel

Comment from our readers...

When I was young, like many I was searching for proof of His existence. Experiencing Him as a person, not an idea, or a concept, but a real person with whom we can enter into a relationship, that completely changed my attitude towards the reality of who He is. My quest became certainty that God is in me and present to me throughout my life.
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22th day

«Thanks solely to this encounter – or renewed encounter – with God’s love, which blossoms into an enriching friendship, we are liberated from our narrowness and self-absorption.»

-Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel

Comments from our readers…

Last fall, I came across this phrase Jesus said to Mechtild von Hackeborn and was deeply touched: "Consider how great is my love: If you want to know it well, you will not find it expressed more clearly anywhere than in the Gospel. No one has ever expressed stronger or more tender feelings than these: As my Father has loved me, so have I loved you."
I was struck by the intensity and the profound intimacy of this incommensurate love for us, for me. Jesus loves us AS the Father loves Him; that's a lot being said! I pursued my reflection with this second phrase from the Gospel: "Love one another AS I have loved you". This is the most beautiful, real and true way to live out a relationship. Now that I have had the chance to feel and taste Your presence, it is my turn to offer it to others... AS You love me.

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23th day

«We become fully human when we become more than human, when we let God bring us beyond ourselves in order to attain the fullest truth of our being.»

-Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel

Comments from our readers…

I never wanted to be a missionary. I prefered the safety of "hiding" behind the testimony of others. However, God recently put me in a situation where I am forced to go out of my comfort zone, propelled towards those around me. At the same time, I feel the need and the urge to share my faith and my love for God. God transformed me, pushed me beyond myself, and I have never been happier.

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24th day

«[…] if we have received the love which restores meaning to our lives, how can we fail to share that love with others?»

-Pope Francis, The Joy of The Gospel

Comments from our readers…

Convey God, His Goodness, His Beauty, His Truth … it sometimes seems that our western societies put a break on our impulses for the sake of secularism. Moreover, do I myself hold back my desire to spread «this Love that gives Life», out of fear of being ridiculed, out of laziness, out of worry and concern?

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25th day

«Goodness always tends to spread. Every authentic experience of truth and goodness seeks by its very nature to grow within us […]»

-Pope Francis, The Joy of The Gospel

Comments from our readers…

This excerpt gives me hope and motivates me to change for the better. It reminds me that every personal journey towards God causes others to follow. I think of Saint Terese of Lisieux who became patron saint of the missions, even though she spent her whole life in a Carmelite convent! She continues to influence people around the world and to obtain conversions!

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26th day

«[…] and any person who has experienced a profound liberation becomes more sensitive to the needs of others.»

-Pope Francis, The Joy of The Gospel

Comment from our readers…

We only have to let the door of our heart cracked open to let God in, and to experience His mercy for us. Our hearts, our eyes, our hands become free, and the mercy we come to experience ourselves enables us to understand the sufferings of others and to wish them the same joy. We were all created for happiness!
We must not be like the unforgiving servant in the Gospel, who is forgiven of his own dept but turns around and refuses forgiveness to his neighbor who owes him. Rather, every day, we should put into practice Pope Francis' appeal for charity, an honest, real and heartfelt motion towards others.

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27th day

«As it expands, goodness takes root and develops.»

-Pope Francis, The Joy of The Gospel

Comment from our readers...

For me, this phrase is brimming with hope, and it encourages me to continue to fight against the evil and morbid sensationalism fed by the media. We are surrounded by a sea of fear and disgust, fed by a constant tide of "bad news". Let's quit the drama and become bearers of good news, bringing out the good in the open. Christ assured us that good will triumph over evil! Let us not be afraid to lend a helping hand in the daily struggle to uphold the good.
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28th day

«If we wish to lead a dignified and fulfilling life, we have to reach out to others and seek their good.»

-Pope Francis, The Joy of The Gospel

Comment from our readers...

One day, at the school where I was teaching, I came across a student who had been thrown out of his classroom because of indiscipline. My colleague was busy with other students who needed assistance, and this particular student looked bored to death, with his forehead head down against the top of his desk.
-What are you doing? I asked him.
-Homework... I don't understand.
-What is it?
-Ah! Ok! Look at me: I am a person, (pointing at him) YOU are a person, (pointing at another student) HE is a person, (pointing at everyone around) WE are people...
At that moment, I realized how important it is to pay attention to people above anything else...
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29th day

«The love of Christ urges us on, (2 Cor 5:14)»

-Pope Francis, The Joy of The Gospel

-Comment from our readers

The closer we get to the end of times, the more quickly time seems to fly. The love of Christ is so important that it has to be manifested.
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30th day

«The Gospel offers us the chance to live life on a higher plane, but with no less intensity: “Life grows by being given away, and it weakens in isolation and comfort".»

-Pope Francis, The Joy of The Gospel

Comment from our readers

It is a miracle worthy of the Gospels: life, like joy, increases and multiplies as it is shared. Here is a miracle that even my minuscule faith allows me to accomplish. Why not today?
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31th day

«We discover a profound law of reality: that life is attained and matures in the measure that it is offered up in order to give life to others.»

-Pope Francis, The Joy of The Gospel

Comment from our readers...

Modern man tells me: "You want to feel alive? Try extreme sports and you'll feel alive". God tells me: "Listen in the silence, go forth towards your neighbour, and you'll feel Life". Life does not exist in a vacuum. It exists as I interact. When I interact with my neighbor, am I really giving life?
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